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Google imagined a connected lens to inject into the eye

Estás a ler: Google imagined a connected lens to inject into the eye

Google Deposit many patents each year and the latest is undoubtedly the most ambitious of all. The American brand has indeed imagined a connected lens of a rather particular genre. Seria injetado diretamente no globo ocular do usuário e não apenas corrigiria a visão, pois também seria capaz de se comunicar com um telefone ou outro dispositivo.

It seems that the big firms of this world are increasingly interested in our eyes. Sony filed a patent of the same kind recently but the latter goes significantly less than this one.

Lente do Google

Google’s lens thus presents itself as a liquid solution.

Uma lente a ser injetada no olho

Para colocá -lo no lugar, você terá que começar removendo a lente do olho para poder injetar o líquido na membrana que o rodeia. The product will then spread on the surface of the eye and solidify in the space of a few seconds.

O dispositivo pode melhorar automaticamente User’s view thanks to a specific sensor.

Through it, it will notably be able to detect if the person is trying to look at something placed far away or close to their eye. From there, the lens can modify the shape of the object to improve its sharpness.

But it does not stop there because it also incorporates a storage space, a cell chip and a battery capable of being recharged using waves. Google unfortunately does not give more details here.

The Google lens will also be able to connect to a phone or a touch pad thanks to its communication module. It can therefore be accompanied by a dedicated mobile application, as is the case for most connected objects on the market.

Uma lente firmemente conectada

The American firm has long been interested in our eyes and that is what prompted him to develop the Google Glass. Isso causou uma forte impressão na época, mas desde então caíram em desuso e seu fabricante decidiu suspender o projeto para trabalhar em um produto novo e mais bem -sucedido, um produto, para que não saibamos muito.

In 2014, she also started working on a lens capable this time to measure the blood sugar level of a user. It is still under development now.

This new patent is much more ambitious than anything we know but it is unlikely to be marketed. Not immediately anyway.


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